How Print Tshirts for Sublimation



each printer comes with its own printing program, means the RIP I want to explain is to improve the quality of the image so we can have a clearer printing and save ink. often have made impressions on the screen and see the colors look good, but to make the impression we often see dirty colors and tones that really are not what we want. see white colors with some dots of other colors, opaque blacks and reds a little orange.
It can be very frustrating in many cases, and our customers can not get out at all satisfied with the result, and that one thing is the digital image and the other is the printed image. 
With this in mind I want to share with you a simple tip for these results go as we really want.
First, open your file, this should not have layers and should be ready for printing

nowlet's start cleaning the colors, we will improve the image

reds should not take much cyan, this helps remove the purple tones

the yellow, cyan tones should not wear, so avoid them look green, if you see that you can also take a bit of magenta to avoid orange tones in the yellow can do it too

the greens, should have nothing to magenta, so we avoid darkening in printing

the cyan color, we take almost half of magenta, this is to avoid the very high tones in light blue, it is important not to remove much

In the blues, we must eliminate some magenta, and remove all yellow

magenta tones should not have, cyan, or yellow

The white should be very clean, so we remove enough of the tones so bright leave

and finally the black color, if necessary we turn up the tone, this is to own desicion, it is important to analyze the file and see if we turn up the tone, or leave it like this originally

Here we can see some pictures where it has corrected the color, it is important to analyze the image before correcting the colors, but following these tips can greatly improve our impressions, remember to print on t run the risk of not having a good impression if the file is not in good condition, but if you follow these tips you can bet that this will change from now on

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